Extraordinary architectures
“Extraordinary Architectures: the private mansions” is an educational and cultural program developed in partnership with the Musée Jacquemart-André. It aims to introduce children to the history of Art and Architecture, by encouraging a fun and clear approach, adapted to the young public.

The children discover three Parisian private mansions: the Hôtel Salé (Picasso Museum - 17th century), the Hôtel Biron (Rodin Museum - 18th century) and the Jacquemart-André Museum (19th century). This program enhances the general culture of the children and stimulates their creativity. It also encourages them to express their feelings and emotions, to listen to and respect others through teamwork.
Terms and conditions of participation
Culture for Children offers the program free of charge to eligible childcare facilities:
- REP/REP+ or CLA primary schools, or primary schools located in isolated rural areas;
- Medical structures for children with disabilities aged 5 to 18;
- Social structures and associations (children from 5 to 12 years old);
- Pediatric hospitals (children from 5 to 12 years old).
Only the transport remains at your charge.
Registration is mandatory via the orange button « Particpate ».
IMPORTANT : When registering, please select « parcours classique ».
Educational resources
Culture for children is developing the educational content of the programme:
Presentation documents
- Flyer - presentation of the program (to come)
Educational kit
- "Architectures extraordinaires : les hôtels particuliers"
Bianca Ciampolini, Projects Manager: bianca.ciampolini@culture-enfance.org